Thursday 15 September 2016

Tanith Rowan X Nora Finds Collaboration Collection

Having already had the fun experience of creating a custom hat for Nora, I jumped at the chance to work with her again. This time we wanted to design a small collection that would be available to others rather than just a one-off hat.

Our initial goal was a 1940s-style tilt hat that could be worn by women with short hair, and the collection grew with other pieces to complement that one. Many design iterations were cycled through, as is often the case, but the final collection is here at last!

This is the tilt hat, in brown wool felt with a velvet band. The lush velvets are through all the pieces, as are the velvet ribbon flowers.

The green velvet headband is again topped with velvet ribbon flowers, and has elastic at the back to help the perfect fit.

These ribbon flowers are mounted on little clips that are suitable as dress clips, as shown, or shoe clips (or adding to a headscarf or similar).

My favourite is the draped turban in glowing amber velvet, with ribbon flowers at the front.

The designs are limited edition, and are currently available in my Etsy shop. If you haven't checked out the posts from Nora showing off her outfits, I highly recommend you do so as well!

In other news, I have written two guest posts lately. At Zella Maybe, you can find my tutorial for refashioning a cheap straw hat into a late 1930s tilt hat with a scarf and on Chronically Vintage I share my advice for choosing and using free vintage hat patterns. I hope you enjoy them!


  1. This entirely collection is jaw droppingly stunning! You two did an incredible job on it. Swoon, swoon and super swoon to the nth degree!

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  2. You really have done as stellar job! I know Nora is smitten with the pieces! Such a well rounded collection. You have excelled yourself here. Truly magnificent!

    1. Thank you Christina, I really appreciate it! :)

  3. What a fantastic collaboration and collection. Love them all!

  4. They are all really beautiful, the turban is my favorite too

    1. Thank you! I see even more turbans in my future :)

  5. Absolutely beautiful collection. The turban is my favourite too!
    The Artyologist

  6. What an amazing collection! I love all the different pieces, but that turban has to be my favorite. It's just stunning!

  7. This is the most beautiful collection, every piece is stunning. I like how the roses appear throughout. My favourite is the turban too, love the rose in the knot and that glowing colour.


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