Friday 13 March 2015

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Hat: Linn Sunniva

Adelaide has now travelled to Norway to visit Linn Sunniva and been the co-star of another stunning photo shoot.

Tanith Rowan Designs Travelling Hat in Norway with Linn Sunniva

I love the way Linn just looks so serene and naturally beautiful, and the way the line of her fringe continues up through the leaves to the gathered felt at the back of the hat.

Tanith Rowan Designs Travelling Hat in Norway with Linn Sunniva

Linn was also my Vintage Secret Santa who sent me such a lovely parcel of things that arrived on Christmas Eve. You can find her on instagram.

Next, Adelaide will be returning to the UK for a few stops before she gets ready to cross the Atlantic and visit all her friends in Canada and the USA!


  1. Oh, Linn looks beautiful with our Adelaide! :-)

  2. Strikingly elegant photos. It's amazing how styled the hat looks even though we don't get to see any clothing (beyond it) here. What a creative, memorable direction for Linn to take things in.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Yes. Totally. I love the style she has chosen for her photos too. It makes Linn herself, the hat, and the photography all share centre stage in a special way.

  3. These photos are fab. I fear I won't do your amazing hat justice! It arrived safely to me yesterday.

    1. I'm sure you will, Kate-Em! I'm glad to hear it has arrived and looking forward to your photos :)

  4. The hat is truly amazing, and so fun reading all the lovely comments here:-) I'm glad you all liked the way we did this.


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