Tuesday 24 March 2015

1940s Story "The Pixie Hat"

Remember those lovely pixie hats that Bette Davis was wearing in Dark Victory? In the midst of my 1940s hat research (posts coming soon!), I stumbled on a short story entitled "The Pixie Hat" so I had to share it with you all!

It was in the Australian Women's Weekly (I'm a bit predictable, I know), in the 6th April 1940 edition.

"A rapier of sunlight pierced the curtains of Anne Robson's room and pricked her into wakefulness."

Our hat-loving hero, Anne, has been skipping lunch and walking to work in order to save for the Pixie Hat she has been lusting after in the window. "For Anne belonged to that gallant regiment of women who prefer to be hungry than shabby." (I can't say that I share this philosophy with Anne.)

We only get bits and pieces of description of the hat, but I think it is shown in this illustration on the left. It is red, a "pixie affair with a stumped tail", and costs three guineas. The gentleman of the piece describes it as "a silly queer toadstool affair with a diddly-what on top of it."

You can read the full short story, starting on this page.

I'm really warming to pixie hats. How about you?


  1. "a silly queer toadstool affair with a diddly-what on top of it" ~ Lololol! I LOVE that description, it's hilarious!! Thanks for linking to the full story Tanith! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. I love it too! I can just imagine someone like Jimmy Stewart saying it in a movie :)

  2. The stories in old magazines are the best! One of my favourites I came across had the line "It isn't that Beryl's exactly unpopular with boys, but they do leave her with a lot of time to devote to her hobbies".

  3. I love the way they used to express themselves on that old times. They were creative and funny. Pixie hats are fun and they can be very creative too! :-)


    1. Me too! I love the charm and wit in lines like that :)

  4. Ha, what a man. My husband and other men have described my hats in such... creative ways before, too!

    1. Lol! I know some men like that too :) My poor husband is asked for input on hats too often to get away with it!

  5. Love those whimsical phrases used to describe the hat
    Retro rover

    1. They are fabulous! I should try to find some more...

  6. ohhh how dramatic "A fatal Attraction". Love it! What a great find and I can understand doing drastic things to save for something you truly want. A pixie hat is a good thing to save for.

    So fun :)


    1. I know that my grandmother used to not eat at times to save for dresses!

  7. Lovely illustration and a great description. I am never going to manage to go hungry in order to be elegant!

    1. Why would you? I'm sure I can be elegant and have cookies too :)


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