Monday, 6 January 2014

Another Op-Shop Hat Makeover in Pink Sinamay

Today the sister hat to the blue straw and sinamay that I re-fashioned earlier gets its own time to shine. It began life as a pale pink sinamay hat blank in a Spotlight store somewhere. After being put on sale, it somehow made its way to an op-shop in Penrith, then came home with me to get a new look. Perhaps something less boxy? I think so.

Before photo of pink sinamay hat

First, I pulled the crown and brim apart and re-blocked the crown. I had an idea of how I wanted to use the brim but I didn't know what else to trim it with, and what other colour(s) to introduce. So I rummaged through my bits and pieces until I found the answer.

Dragonfly brooch with pink and blue-green

Now I had some colours to work with. I found some pale bluey-green sinamay left over from my first sinamay hat, made some bias strips and played around.

After photo of pink sinamay refashioned hat

In front of my dirt patch. I'm very proud of it. Actually there are some tomatoes there, looking quite promising.

Alternate view of pink sinamay hat

The dragonfly brooch came from a charity shop in Chester and cost me one pound. To keep the refashioning options open into the future, I kept it as a brooch and it can be removed (or just moved around) in the future.

Before and after photos

Time to hit the op-shops for more!

1 comment

  1. Hi! This looks great. Quick quesyion: when re-blocking the crown, do you just throw hot water over it before blocking it or is it more complicated than that?


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