Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Sisterhood of the Hat - Seanna

Can you believe it has been over a year since Adelaide started travelling the world?

At the end of last year she stopped off to stay and get to know the lovely and friendly Seanna and feature on her blog, Seanna Approved.

Jump on over to Seanna's blog post to see more of her gorgeous images in the hat and say Hi!

Adelaide has moved briefly up to Canada and you should be seeing more of her shortly.


  1. She looks fabulous! Adelaide is having so many adventures!

  2. Hey, thank you for featuring me and my blog. It was bittersweet to part with her, but I'm happy another lovely lady can experience the sisterhood of the hat as well. :)

    1. You are welcome and I'm happy that you loved her so much :)

  3. Going to nip over and take a look. Happy New Year!

  4. Wonderful! She looks so good in the hat :) I'm off to read all about it now.

    Happy New Year!!

    Liz :)


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