Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Miniature hats, mountain views, and a hint of steampunk

This week I got to spend a wonderful day with my friend Lucy, launching her millinery modelling career and having a long overdue catch-up.

A lot of my previous photoshoots have remained close to home, or my model's homes, to allow for costume changes to suit different hats. And by close, I mean in the front or back garden!

But I have been itching for better backgrounds. And there are so many wonderful locations nearby. We remained at the one lookout on this day, and still had a diverse set of backdrops to make use of.

I love how Lucy looks like a stylin' lady pirate-adventurer who has skipped off her boat and high-tailed it into the bush to escape the law, or something.

As well as the miniature tricorne, Lucy also modelled a miniature top hat. Both share a slightly steampunky look, in my mind, with a nod to the 18th century in the tricorne, and the 19th in the top hat.

Photos like this make me pause and think, "Do I really live here?" Gosh I'm a lucky girl!

As well as mini hats, this photoshoot came with a mini meltdown too. We organised it less than a week in advance, and I set myself the task of trying to finish a whole bunch of partially-complete hats.

Naturally that didn't happen, and despite the calming tones of my beloved husband saying that everything would be alright in the end, because it always is, I stressed out. In the end I finished a few, which I'll be sharing in subsequent posts. To make more of the day, I also borrowed some, like these two miniature hats, from the Blackheath Hub, where they a currently for sale.

So it did, after all, turn out alright in the end.

As well as acknowledging that my husband is a wise, wise man, I need to work on getting stress-out issue under control. Unfortunately, it adds up to more than just stress, because it is almost always followed by me coming down with a cold. And these days, I can't just lie in bed until it's over!

Adapting my life and business to parenthood is taking some time and experimentation. The process seems to just involve me scaling my work back more and more and still finding it to be too much.

The millinery and the blog are not going anywhere, because I value what it gives me far too much. But the shape of things, or at least the speed, will be changing all the time until I reach an arrangement that is sustainable for me and my family.

One thing is for sure, when I do get to do a lovely photoshoot like this, I'm going to milk it for all the blog time it is worth! So luckily for you, you get to keep seeing this lady's beautiful face for a while.

And now for my favourite photo of the entire day...

Thank you all for your comments, which make writing the blog an extra-rewarding experience! I do apologise for not commenting as much on your blogs as I used to, but I am still reading them and enjoying them.


  1. She looks lovely in every hat. I don't have kids but imagine combining a business and a baby is tough. I'm sure you'll gubf balance
    Retro rover

    1. Thank you, both for the compliment on the hats and for your supportive comments. I am sure that you are right about finding balance. I certainly hope so!

  2. These are wonderful creations Tanith. Finding pockets of time for my business around family commitments is how I manage (somehow). I am hoping to purchase a winter hat or beret from you and eagerly watching what new creations and themes you are working on.

    1. Thanks Jenny. It might be tough now, but it reassures me to see that you have managed to build your business well whilst raising your brood! :)

      I hope I am able to make a hat for you! They would be cool. I'm working on winter things at the moment :)

  3. What enchantingly gorgeous hats and photos! Always blog and work at your own pace, sweet dear. I'm guilty of frequently not following my own advice there, but I certainly know in my heart of hearts that it's the best and healthiest way to go about one's day and that doing so is considerably less apt to result in burn out. We all adore you here and delight in seeing what you share with us, whether it's daily, weekly, monthly or any pace that's right for you and your family.

    Tons of hugs and understanding,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you Jessica. I do find that keeping my own plans manageable is the hardest part! I enjoy the blog so it will be maintained at some pace or another!

  4. What a lovely photoshoot. It looks like it was lots of fun on the day. The mini top hat is gorgeous. I can see it going down well with a burlesque audience as well as a steampunk one.

    1. Thank you! It was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to showing more of the pictures!

  5. It is very hard to adjust our life schedules. When I started my blog, I had no job or school and was able to dedicate all my time to either writing or, more importantly, crafting so that I had something to actually write about. Now that I'm in school (which I acknowledge is nothing like being a new parent), I am finding it hard to have the time and energy that I once had. That being said, I am still knitting (or sewing) and writing, just at a much slower pace. And that is OK! I look forward to each and every one of your posts and it is ok with me if they aren't as frequent as they once were. They are worth the wait!

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. Thank you so much. Your comment made me so happy! All life changes are tough to adjust to. I like your approach - slow and steady is still good progress :)

  6. I really like the Victorian steam-punk feel of these hats, it's super fun and looks really great. :)

    And believe me, I know what it's like trying to readjust expectations and deadlines and pressures, and oh! All those things that come with families, hobbies, interests and life!

    I'm still trying to figure out my own feet and it's hard when you want to blog about projects you are doing; because not only then do you need to find the time to blog, you also need to find time to craft/make and that can be super difficult.

    Take your own time, and figure out what's best for you. It's the best way to keep happy with your hobbies and family and enjoying both. It's not fun when your favorite things to do become a burden. :) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Thank you! I know I'm in the same boat with most mothers in this struggle, and in fact better off than some, since I am at least getting a good sleep most nights. At least having the other interests keeps us sane!

  7. Both hats are really wonderful!

  8. These set of photographs are gorgeous! The hats and model are beautiful, with a beautiful background. I love, love, love these photos!

    Gosh, if I understand you about fitting everything in our days schedules. I find it so hard. Each time that I think things will get better, something new will appear to take my time and strength. Then I will have to rearrange everything again. In the moment I need to spend lots of time studding and reading about my son condition and look after my mom. Life can be a huge challenge but the little things make it rich and make us breath fresh hair every day. That's why so important to make crafts and reading our friends blogs, plus writing our own... even if not in full time. Everything is important!

    Huge hug! :)

    1. Oh you lovely human, you! You have such a lovely attitude and this made me smile lots :) Thank you!


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