Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Sisterhood of the Hat: Jeni Yesterday

I'm so excited to share the first stop in the Sisterhood of the Travelling Hat. The hat set off just before Christmas on a very long trip to visit Jeni Yesterday, in England.

Get ready to be wowed, people!

That's right, that's our little travelling hat there, looking so glamorous it's almost beyond belief!

Jeni and her partner (and photographer) were inspired by an exhibition of the photography of Horst P. Horst at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Their aim was to create something like the Vogue covers from the 40s and 50s, and I think we can all agree they've done a stunning job.

I don't know what I love most about these photos. The classic vintage style and model poses are just perfect, but I also love the colours - the pops of red among the dark moody shades - and the way the textures have shown up so vividly.

I'm so glad I started this project. Every time the hat reaches a new destination, I'm going to be eagerly awaiting the images.

Thank you Jeni for being a part of the hat's journey!

You can find Jeni on twitter and instagram. I also recommend taking a look around at Hanson Leatherby Photography on facebook or at their website. I really just got lost there in the photos. So good!

Also, I think we need to name the hat. I'm sick of calling her "the hat" and having to decide whether to use "her" or "it". Any ideas?


  1. Adelaide. I think she looks like an Adelaide. :) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

  2. Absolutely stunning! I particularly like the second picture, with her looking directly at the camera. It makes her eye look like part of the colour progression on the leaves.

    1. It does! I hadn't looked at it that way, but you are right.

  3. What stunning photos! I am amazed :)

    1. They are wonderful! It's a great start to the journey!

    2. The best start! Oh goodness... I'm so worried I will not honer this beautiful hat with stunning photos. I even feel embarrassed with it already, Tanith!

    3. Oh no Beta! Don't feel that way! You will look beautiful, and it doesn't matter if you don't have a professional photographer on hand to show it! Hats are about having fun and expressing yourself, and as long as you enjoy wearing it, that is what matters. I'm going to be so happy seeing all the lovely friends I have met through the blog wearing something I made. It makes me feel like we are all really connecting.

  4. And I can tell you that the hat has reached his next stop very good!
    But Jeni looks so good with it, her photos are beautiful, I don't think I'll be able to make photos like that but I'll try because the hat is so beautiful and it deserves all the attention.

    1. Oh good! That was quick!

      I'm sure everyone will have their own style for the photos, and I can see yours being quite different, but I know you will look beautiful in it too :)

  5. Ooh, I think Daphne, after the nymph that was turned into a laurel tree. She is a very beautiful hat!

  6. She really did a wonderful job showing off your beautiful work. This is incredible!

    1. I know, right? This is an exciting start and I can't wait to see what everyone else does!

  7. Oh goodness, she looks stunning!! Oh I'm so excited to get this hat. I'm not gonna lie, I might weep a bit when she gets to me.
    Hmmm names, what to name this lovely hat...Genevive?

    1. Hehe Carla you are so cute! I want instagram photos of those tears!!

  8. Replies
    1. Absolutely! They are really something amazing :)

  9. These are such amazing photos. Your hat looks beautiful.

    1. They are incredible photos, and they certainly show the hat to advantage!

  10. My word, does Jenny look stunning! These photos really highlight what an amazing work of art your hat is, dear Tanith. I'm swooning up a storm over here and getting all kinds of great ideas regarding how to style and shoot it when it lands on my doorstep.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Aww thank you! I look forward to seeing your take on it!


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