Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Another 1950s Photoshoot: My Creations (Part Two): Flowers and Leaves!

This is finally the last of the photos from my wonderful photoshoot with my friend and gracious model Ruanne! I strung that out pretty well, I think.

First up is a little hat of leaves. The foundation is a wire frame wrapped in ribbon. I bought a few vintage wire-frame hat bases earlier this year, but this one I made myself, using the vintage ones as a guide for how to shape my wire.

The leaves are velvet, from two sets that I have been given as gifts. I believe they are vintage (or at least some level of not-new) but I don't really know much about them. I wanted to keep this one clean and simple, so along with the leaves it only has the red veiling and a small brown velvet ribbon bow.

This hat is so light and so comfortable to wear, and the wire can of course be adjusted so that it fits various head sizes. The leaves strike me as grape-vine-like, which, along with the red and brown, give it a very autumnal feel. So that's for you Northern-hemisphere types to enjoy. Down here, I think we need something more suited to Spring.

That will do nicely. Not only very Spring-like, but also distinctly Australian! In 1954, Aage Thaarup (milliner to the Queen) showed a range of hats inspired by the Royal Tour, which included an Australian-inspired hat "made of yellow organza and trimmed with wattle (Australia's national flower)". After trying out a few different colours of trim on this pink velvet half hat, I saw the artificial wattle and had to try it. If it's good enough for Aage Thaarup it's good enough for me. (I'm going to do a post about him at some stage. I took an interest after being given a book by him, and he features in a number of other British Pathe videos.)

I know that I'm often too timid with colour, so I love this bold contrast. Plus, it's just so bright and happy! It makes me want to go on bush picnics or throw an inappropriately glamorous barbeque!

Which is speaking to you more? Spring or Autumn?

Other posts from this day of photos were My Creations (Part One), My Genuine Vintage Collection (Part One) and (Part Two), and 1950s Hat Patterns.


  1. I was ooing and ahhing the Autumn hat, but I saw the Spring hat, and gasped with joy! It's so bright and cheery, and if I had the means, I'd want one in every springy color.
    Yay for going out of your usual boundaries with color!

    1. Thank you! That's quite a compliment :) I like to think it is a joyful hat.

  2. Beautiful photography and stunning hats. Lovely!

    1. Thank you! I am trying to work on my photography, so I appreciate that :)

  3. I love the leaves on the hat and very nice photography

    retro rover

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the photography compliment. I'm trying to improve it!

  4. It might be because of the time of year it is in my hemisphere, but the autumn leaves hat is just so pretty. You know I've been trying to wear my hats more, and this is the sort of whimsical thing that I am dying to add to my collection because it seems so perfect to pull out right now. The spring hat is lovely too, though - the pink and yellow are such a fun, happy combo.

    1. It is extremely suited to autumn, isn't it? I feel like I would wear it to a wedding at a winery or something like that.

  5. Stunning chapeaus!!! I love how gloriously mid-century they both are. I have a couple of hats that are similar to the first, but none quite like the second (and soooo want one now! :)). Your work never fails to knock my socks clean off, my uber talented friend.

    ♥ Jessica

  6. I'm seriously in love with the spring one. Maybe because here (Alaska) we are already in to the beginning of winter, the leaves one is a reminder that ours are already on the ground and now I am desperately looking forward to spring. They are both beautiful. You are so truly talented.

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. Thank you! We have so many beautiful flowers coming out at the moment that it's hard not to be inspired by them, but I did make the wattle hat during winter while optimistically looking forward to spring too!

  7. Ooooo. I love both of these! I think the autumn one just clinches it because it is my favourite season and that brown velvet bow amongst the greens is gorgeous. But then, that combination of pink and yellow is glorious. Neither are my favourite colours but they work so very well. Really great hats, your work is so impressive.

  8. both hats are absolutely adorable!!!!


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