Saturday 3 May 2014

Tanith Rowan Designs on Instagram

Hey there! Just a quick note today to let you know that I've joined instagram recently. I'm @tanithrowan and I've added the cute little instagram guy to my happy family of social media icons on the right there, so you can get to me that way too.

I'm still finding my feet, but I already like instragram approximately eleventy-billion times more that twitter. I just haven't really taken to twitter.

My instagram includes some photos from the blog, but also other life stuff, like some beautiful blue mountains views as I start going on more bushwalks. I'm also planning to start taking more "in-progress" pictures as I work on my hats, which before now I haven't been in the habit of doing.

If you are reading this and you are on instagram, I'd love to know so I can follow you. I'm also keen to hear any tips you might have for getting the most from it. I have to keep reminding myself to put in hashtags, but I'm still working that whole thing out!


  1. absolutely gorgeous hat!

    retro rover

    1. I've just found your blog and I'm enjoying reading it and looking at your lovely hats. I've dabbled a tiny bit with millinery and I'm impressed and inspired by yours. I can also see you like Trove! Anyway, I'm on Instagram as MissPiroska

    2. Hi! I'm glad you like it and thanks for the instagram connection. I have followed you! I do love Trove, especially for the Women's Weekly. So much fun :)


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