Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Another 1950s Photoshoot: My Genuine Vintage Collection (Part One)

While I'm focusing on the 1950s, I wanted to share with you not only my own creations, but some of the genuine vintage pieces that I am privileged to own.

I had a wonderful day of modelling fun with my friend Ruanne, and there will be more from this day over the coming weeks.

One of my grandmother's friends and neighbours, and a lovely woman, showed me this 1950s cocktail hat that she owned and wore when younger. I admired it, and took lots of photos so I could attempt my own version someday, but then a few weeks later, she gave it to me!

The veiling is very badly damaged, but I don't feel ready to take the step of replacing it! I'm a bit sentimental about this generous gift. I think I will replace it one day, when I find the right pattern of veil.

This one came in a lot of 1950s hats that I bought recently. Most of them are damaged to some extent, and I bought them to fix up and sell. This is one of the few that are still in near-perfect condition (only general wear and fading, and maybe a bit of damage to the feather).

It looks almost white, but is really a very pale mint green, with trim in a pale peachy apricot colour.

I think that between us, we wore this hat a lot during this photoshoot! It is very comfortable and easy to wear, and more flattering than I imagined when I first unpacked it.

And it goes with a range of outfits! I love the freedom of non-matching that the 1950s gives you. I seem to often see fashion photos and sketches with a range of bright colours worn together, and I love it! I tend to be conservative about colour, so I'm having fun stretching my wings a bit.

This adorable little blue corduroy cap I picked up at the Rock'n'Roll & Alternative Markets earlier this year, at Sydney University. It was one of a number of pieces (mostly jackets and dresses) that I got from some sweet ladies selling off a lot of their grandmother's (extensive) wardrobe. (The first time, their grandmother was there too, sitting out the back with a cup of tea. I told her what great taste she had!)

I thought I could draft a pattern from it, which of course I haven't yet done.

We had more trouble dressing to match this one, as it is a little more casual and not well suited to the floral dresses. Then Ruanne put together this pin-up style top and shorts combo and we had a winner!

I love the pheasant brooches on the top. I'm not sure if they are actually sweater clips, that this enterprising woman has put onto her hat, but that's my suspicion.

We took too many good photos in this shoot, so there will be a Part Two to the vintage collection shots, as well as some of my own 1950s-inspired hat creations, and some vintage-style maternity outfits with hats too.


  1. All of your hats are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing them. I can't wait for part 2.

  2. These hats are all so lovely! That was really kind of your grandmother's friend to gift you with her cocktail hat, and I totally agree about not replacing the veil just yet. And that corduroy cap is rather darling as well, but I think my favorite has to be the mint New Look hat. I've been dreaming about one of those for so long, and once my hair has grown out a bit more, maybe next spring, I'm definitely going to get one. Can't wait to see more of your collection!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing them, and that you agree about the veil. I think I'll go back to my original plan and copy the cocktail hat, possibly in another colour.

  3. Oh my gosh, sweater/cardigan clips on a hat is a brilliant idea. Love, love, love that!!! I will definitely be giving it a spin myself now - thank you for the awesome inspiration.

    You have such a gorgeous 50s hat collection - there isn't a single stunner here I would wear myself.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Isn't it just? I've used so many single brooches on hats, and sometimes large earrings in a pair, but this is the first time I've seen a set like this! And so easy to do!

      I grew my collection a bit more recently too - oops! So there will keep being lots more to show off!

  4. Lovely..each and everyone of them. I just read part 2 and those are equally as adorable (especially the "Brain" hat hehehe). I have 3 hats because I just A) don't have the space and B) never really get a chance to wear them so I don't stock up. I'm a swing dancer so many of the times I'm dressing up is for dance events and hats are not conducive for dancing :)

    Thanks for sharing your hat collection.


    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them :) I'll admit that I don't wear these very much. Mostly they just hang on my wall providing inspiration. But I do wear the "Brain hat" a fair bit.


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