Friday, 8 August 2014

A Vintage Shopping Haul!

I've never done a haul post before, but I had such a fun day shopping recently, that I thought I would do my first.

So this haul is from a local vintage/antique shop that is closing down. The older lady who has owned and run the shop for years has unfortunately gone into care, and her daughter and family were conducting a sale day to clear as much out of the shop as possible. If I had a spare $800,000, I would have had the shop, house and garden too, because the whole building is for sale and it is a beautiful spot. (I like to daydream about my own bricks-and-mortar retail and studio space, even though it will not be a realistic plan for some years, if ever.)

My lovely sister came up and had a baby-free night in our soon-to-be-abolished guest bedroom so we could get there at 9am when the shop opened. She got a surprise bonus of snow, some of which was still lingering by the following afternoon, in shaded enough spots.

We fell onto the patterns and magazines first. Here are the ones I got, at $1 each.

 Toddler coat! So adorable. And I couldn't go past flower-making directions.

I probably shouldn't take parenting advice from the 1930s, but I love the heading "Building A1 Babies."

There are some lovely pictures, both for fashions specifically, and illustrating the fiction too.

Buckles, some new hat pins, a brooch, and other miscellaneous trims.

A roll of vintage veil! There are many metres of this stuff, and it's a lovely pattern. Score!

Vintage baby stuff. I basically took all of it (that was left - another mother had swooped in before me!). I can hardly be disappointed with this though. (I don't think I've revealed the little one's gender here yet, but you can probably work it out from this!)

There were lots of long low cardboard boxes stacked on shelves behind the counter, with enticing labels like "Taffeta", "Brocade" and "Lace". After finding the "Felt" box to be a bust, with just thin craft felt, and not much exciting in "Braids and Cords", I was a bit disinclined to ask the very busy woman to pull down any more, but I was still curious

"Do you know what's in the box that says "Straw"?"
"No. Let's find out."

" much for the whole box?"

Worth it!

Also, recently, I 'accidentally' bought some new-to-me vintage hat blocks via ebay from a lovely dealer from the Sydney-ish region (the same way I'm from the Sydney-ish region - I'm close enough to go into the city for a day!). In case you don't know, 'accidentally' buying is the result of bidding at the opening amount, maybe a bit over, without any expectation of winning the item.

Also, you can do this simultaneously on multiple items. Oops! Still, they are lovely, they were cheap, and I regret nothing!

I don't know whether to feel like this post is glorifying spending that I didn't need to do, or celebrating it and making sure I get a lot of enjoyment out of these items. To be honest, I think that one of the problems I have with shopping to much is in getting a rush from the buying moment, but not taking enough time to enjoy the purchases once they are mine.

Which, in the case of craft supplies, just means an ever growing hoard of materials and trims that I haven't used yet! I'm planning to do some "stash-busting" sewing days soon, and try to get this mountain under control.

Have you entered the giveaway competition yet? Check out the available hats here and then enter at the competition blog post. Entries close on Tuesday 9am AEST, so get in quick!


  1. I see a red wool coat makeover coming in the form of a 'toddler coat'! The pattern is perfect. :-)

  2. You found some wonderful things. Looking forward to seeing some of the posies made up. The collection of belt buckles is gorgeous.

    1. Lots of lucky finds! I look forward to using all of them, and I'll be sure to share my results with the posies.

  3. What an incredible haul!!! I scrolled through all the photos three times to really savour the full extent of your fabulous finds. $20.00 for that box is such a great deal! One of the hats in it alone would typically retail for far above that around these parts (if you could even find vintage hats for sale in the first place, that is).

    Enjoy all of your beautiful new treasures and please don't hesitate to keep sharing future shopping scores/hauls with us, dear Tanith. It's marvelous to celebrate when friends find vintage items that they love.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. That's a nice way to think of it :) I'll make sure to share these things! It was an amazing set of finds for great prices.

  4. What great finds! I loved that you shared your haul with us as this is part of the vintage world I just love..seeing what lovely goodies others find. I really love the vintage magazines and illustrations as I'm a big fan of the ads (Must be the marketer in me).

    Lovely post :)


    1. Thanks. I will be sharing some images and ads from the magazines in the future!


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